
beyond marimekko

Ivana Helsinki is the latest design company that I have stumbled across in my pursuit to spread global unconventional style around the web. IvanaHelsinki started out in the 1930s as the northern most match factory in the world -unconventional enough, no?- and gradually evolved into a clothing company (although they still make matches!). Contemporary nordic design is characteristically minimalist and functional, with an infusion of cheerful quirk- this might include a distinct print, a stripe of colour, a change in texture etc. IvanaHelsinki's designs follow this ideology, but are also strongly influenced by the Finnish outdoors. Specifically, camping in the outdoors. Don't worry, this doesn't mean polarfleeces and wellies (que'lle horreur!), but the clothing is as functionally as it is fashionable. You could actually wear it on a camping trip. Or strolling the Helsinki Market Square...

camp chic

arty glamour

Hundreds of patterns are available on their website, but these 2 really caught me eye...

'girls' (models above are wearing this in b/w)

'maatuska'- aborable! and fits right in with the Russian theme for fall

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