Skull accessories are indisputably back in style. I was surprised by the popularity of Alexander McQueen's skull scarf back in 2003 (as seen on lovely Liv Tyler at right), but wasn't counting on it featuring in the closets of fashionistas this winter. However, scarves, hats and jewelry sporting this morbid little image are all over fashion sites, and soon to be on the streets again. If you are charmed by the skully trend, but don't want to look like La Femme Gothique, go for jewelry with small skull details, and of course scarves always look suave.

Bijoux des Sophie pin, Giulia Piersanti skull cap, Michael Spirito necklace
Update: these lyuba skull earrings by Eric Pena are also Pirates of the Caribbean worthy
I'd wear that hat, thats an awesome hat.
Hello! Great blog! I´ve read in your profile you love cinema and historical costume, well I don´t know if you have watched them, but maybe you like these european films: "Tous les matins du monde" (love story in XVII), "El perro del hortelano" (love story in XVII, but not as dramatic as the other one i tell you before), and "Juana la Loca" (about the life of the King and Queen´s of Spain elder daughter in XVI, and her husband Felipe el Hermoso). All of them are great films with several awards, and with beautiful costumes.
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