I'm not a brooch wearer, but these reflective designs by about blank have really caught my eye (with some of the explicit shapes, that is unavoidable...) The brooches take every possible form- iconic celebrity poses, honourary medals, sex positions, miscellaneous shapes- and each reflect the viewer's visage. Although many of the subjects are immediately recognizable, the brooches are made more intriguing by the void of mirror within the edges. I think the top left one is quite funny. I wonder how long it would take an observer to realize what is being shown.
via Yvan Rodic at face hunter
Haha, those are great! Although I'm not sure I would dare the sex brooches. :)
Those are great. (The sex brooches could be good for bar hopping, an excellent pick up line!)
gotham addict, you may be right, but I think observers might stare at it for a while trying to interpret something less risque. (I'll let you know!)
Thanks for the kind comment-
The sex brooches would be fun to wear just to see people's reactions. Especially if you wore one with something innocuous like a twin-set and pearls. Hah.
Exactly! I would wear the XXX ones with a nice little tweed jacket.
so naughty! I love 'em
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