Quite literally.
A few years ago, there was a trend in Holland for people to get little jewels implanted in the membrane of their eye. Now, Dutch artist Eric Klarenbeek has designed "eye jewelry"- basically, dangling gems attached to contact lenses. The only people I can imagine wearing this and looking interesting are harajuku girls.... any opinions?
via nitro:licious
Agh. Bjork might also like it, and Marilyn Manson.
The little heart is okay, but I cannot imagine how they did that... Certainly not for me !!!
Ahhh!! What if someone pulls on it or it gets caught on something? I have a hard time just looking at it, let alone imagining it being yanked out of someone's eye. Oh, Holland...
that can't be good medically...contact lenses are trouble enough without adding fashionable accessories to it.
the eye implant thing is a bit disconcerting.
Two words: dis-gusting! Just, ewwww! And why? How can that possibly enhance you? The little heart will probably obscure your vision (or startle the hell out of anyone who looks you in the eye) and the dangling thingies can only feel uncomfortable and dangerous. This is just wrong.
That is so funny. We were just reminiscing about 7th grade and how badly I wanted a little star in my eye after the story came out in TIME magazine. Damn you, Kate Betts, my mother never let me.
I remember those implantations. These 'trends' are just painful to look at! They gross me out.
Hey, is this what they mean by EYE CANDY?
All I can think of are parasitic worms erupting from ocular tissue. Gross.
Ah- Henri V, that is a gross mental image!
It looks really painful. I can imagine it being very distracting when talking to a person having those. At least they're not permanent like other body decorations - like my tattoo that I still regret getting.
These are cool and also freaky at the same time. Such a great thing to spot.
Thanks for visiting and commenting at my blog today.
Honey.. we DONT do this in Holland. Not all of us are freaks, you know.
Well, i live in Holland and this certainly wasn't a trend people :)I have never in my life seen someone with those contact lenses :)
Another mystery solved :)
Well indeed, i can say, just like the other people from Holland, that this is the first time I see something like that. It's true the law in Holland is kinda liberate but you guys still think we're al gay excentric stoned people with wooden shoes, don't you ;)?
Laura: "you guys still think we're al gay excentric stoned people with wooden shoes, don't you "
Noooo. In fact, Dutch people are right up there with Parisians in terms of being my style icons!
**'Gay' should never be used as an insult.
**'Gay' should never be used as an insult.
she wasnt using it as an insult.. :)
Yay! Let's act incivilised :D
Really? Because loads of people here in Holland do not look very charming at all, but I guess you have that in every country. Altough, the italians and spanish people who live in cities like Barcelona or Milano are extremely stylish.
Ofcourse I would never use the word gay as an insult, because I'm a biseksual myself. I'm a liberate person and I like the fact that the law in Holland is quite liberate, altough still lots of people are very conservative. But when I see documentairees about the way americans think about Holland I notice that their image of this country is so wrong. A lot of people think were still wearing wooden shoes all the time. Only some farmers or people in authentic villages wear them for the tourists. Also it is often thought that we all use drugs. Well I never used drugs in my life. I think it's good that our government isn't that strict about using weed, using weed is quite harmless, so I think wether you use it or not must be your own decision.
My goal was just to make clear that the image of the Netherlands as a country where everything is allowed, is wrong. :)
(It's a cool country although it's cold. Have you ever been in Holland?)
Oops- mea culpa!- I'm used to people here throwing out 'gay' as common slang (my mother is gay, therefore I'm perhaps overly sensitive to it!)
You're quite right that a lot of people in N. America still think of Dutch people as wearing wooden clogs and living in windmills (just like the silly stereotypes of people in so many "foreign" countries)
Anyway, I love the Netherlands (it's warmer than where I live in Canada!!!). Then again, I love most parts of Europe that I've been to.
I admire Dutch style (like the style of many Europeans) because it is often more individualistic and much less self conscious than that of North Americans.
Thanks for all the comments! :)
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