
faux paw

From Seamsters comes this photo of a couple in Shanghai, China...
As you may remember, I am always on the lookout for a chic leopard print coat, but..... well, I'm at a loss for words. At least they are both wearing the same pattern (if that's not true love, I don't know what is). The furry edges on her dress are a nice paleolithic touch. I hope that they are performing with Siegfried & Roy, and just dashed out for a pack of cigs or something, but I doubt that is the case.

**Seriously though, where are they going? He has a laptop case swung over one shoulder- not bound for work surely? Perhaps they do work at the circus.


la chipie said...

I say the circus

Anonymous said...

ugh...i have a problem with couples matching to this degree, which rarely if ever turns out nice. such as posh and beck...

i'm not a huge fan of animal print in general but on occassion, there are exceptions. this unfortunately doesn't qualify. the leopard heads make it worse...

Anonymous said...

remember the socio-political context within china. they couldnt have done this 10 years ago. any expression is their's to make. in making they feel more like themselves, at least as a couple - even if a little misguided.

la femme said...

You are absolutely correct anonymous, and in no way do I intend to demean the personal style of this couple, however, their choice of apparel shouts out to be noticed, and consequently, talked about. This is a fashion blog after all.

New Yorkaise said...

I don't care what kind of political/personal/social expression they are trying to make. Having a leopard's face on your and your loved one's ass is scary. There is no excuse in the world that could make this okay, unless, just like Eurobrat said, they are performing with magicians.

Anonymous said...

Ooh la love.

Or ooh la puke?

I'm partial to any sort of wearable (dead) animal, but this is too much.

Also, so glad you like my new layout and pic!

Mónica Lice said...

I really enjoy your blog!

I'm portuguese and i have a fashion blog too!