
früfrü & tigerlily

One of my most vivid memories from Singapore is of a shop that sold exquisitely embroidered sarong kebayas and cheongsams. They were perfectly organized in wood closets into groupings of various hues (I salivated over a floor length cream one with green embroidery until realizing that $480 USD was decidedly out of budget). The next thing that hit me was the number of petite, creatively dressed women I saw zipping around the airport. Since that trip, I've always associated Singapore with interesting, unique style (a generalization, I know, but it is kind of like associating French people with berets). So it was a treat to discover FrüFrü & Tigerlily, a label designed by three Singaporean femmes who create fabulously fiesty apparel and accessories. Their latest collection (entitled 'Soul Mates Never Die') runs the gamut from punky to Pucci. I particularly like the vintage inspired dresses, however the commentary and photography on their website alone is worth a visit.

source: pretty things i find


moongjee said...

If you have the chance, you must visit Hong Kong to get a custom cheongsam made. It's much more affordable. Interesting read. Love the blog by the way!

la chipie said...

I love the pucci dress,
the guns neccklace was fun too .

JT said...

I just wrote about them on my blog a few weeks ago! I'm a singaporean and it's nice to know someone thinks we have unique and interesting style :) And yes, those cheongsams are terribly expensive here.

la femme said...

moongjee: Thanks for stopping by! I would love to get a custom cheongsam made- and visit Hong Kong too...

la chipie: oui, the pucci-like dress is my favourite

missy-j: I thought of your blog during this entry because I know you are in Singapore!

Shopaholic D said...

i LOVE that dress! good find!

Anonymous said...

Hi Eurobrat

thought I'd finally check you out after enjoying your comments on the sarto. Great stuff! I'll be back.

I'm a midwest guy just intoducing my own wares in the biz, love to read from around the world. Keep it up.

Carlos Lorenzo said...

You have good taste for design and clothes.

la femme said...

Thank you-

Anonymous said...

More muted than Pucci...I like it.

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely take on Pucci....actually preferable to Pucci IMO! Great find! I never came across them when I was in Singapore so I must check it out next time.

Gillian Young said...

Hey, love your blog and your outlook on fashion. I want this head scarf! I've added you to my blog roll, thanks for stopping by.