When I saw stockings on the spring runways, (at Prada and D&G in particular), my heart fluttered a little and I crossed my fingers in the hopes that Canadian fashionettes would take this look to the sidewalk. However, the femmes up here are still happily esconced in boho chic, and I suspect stockings are another year or two off. So, I'm turning to Tokyo for some stockinspiration, where this style has obviously become the slutty, nylon version of ugg boots.

I do think the garters are a bit much though. It takes the lingerie-as-outerwear look from sexy to tacky. Even this femme's Chanel accessories can't redeem it. Some things should be reserved for the bedroom (and/or that cringeworthy garter bite off event that so many people seem to work into their weddings). In fact with the exception of strippers, who obviously need a place to store their tips, I think garters could be done away with altogether.
photos: shibamatax, kilian nakamura
Ah yes, the line from sexy to tacky is a fine on indeed!
I agree, and only a few of the ''femmes'' above succeed the stocking look while others quite ressemble
prostitutes doing the streets. Completly right on the garter!
Garters outside the bedroom do not make me laugh. I'm not sure, however, if the stockings work well with miniskirts.
stockings are great. If I was still in my early 20s I'd be rocking them.
Canada sounds like a version of where I live, only with prettier scenery, and of course, you working to make them all stylish.
So... are we thinking over the knee or under the knee? I'm having a hard time choosing sides.
Hmmm. Good question Liza. I'm thinking JUST under the knee, but it all depends on who is wearing the stockings. If the wearer has great legs, it doesn't matter. If they don't, pants may be preferable.
Haha- thanks amillionpieces. I'm not sure about the prettier scenery though. Unless you like A LOT of trees. Trees, pond, beaver, repeat. Trees, pond, deer, repeat. Perhaps a muskrat in between.
Aren't you in England? I would rather have rolling hills, Stonehenge and TopShop than Canada's endless wilderness.
I guess the grass is always greener on the other side :)
Yes, I'm in England, but my town isn't quite fashion central. We have niether a TopShop or an H&M, and no sign of anything remotley designer. And scenery is provided by cranes and row housing. I think it may be beyond hope...
So do you not have TopShop at all in Canada?
I'm so glad to hear someone share my sentiments over the garter thing at weddings. And I agree, it doesn't look good as a fashion statement.
Hmmm...yeah as for the over/under the knee question...first of all, i think there is a third option: at the knee. as in the stocking ends right in the middle of the kneecap. this was shown on the runways...and i think it could work..i suppose a major concern with over the knee is that if you wear them too high, they could look trop sluttish, and wearing them too low could be not so flattering. i think it depends on what your legs are like (bone structure, proportions) and what you're wearing..this will be fun to figure out though. i'm really thin but my calves are small so i have to wear them at or above the knee to keep a long, balanced look.
great post eurobrat! i loved seeing the pictures of the girls in japan. so interesting how they've completely adopted the trend and we are just beginning to.
No, TopShop doesn't exist over here. I don't really mind though- it is fun to have specific stores to look forward to when travelling.
la chipie and Mariana: no garters for us I gather!
elsa: Thank you. Yes, at the knee may be the key, though you are also right that anyone choosing to wear this look needs to find the right height for their legs.
I noticed black stockings on the runway at the TopShop f/w 06 collection, so I'm guessing they will be all over London in no time.
Merci Beaucoup for all the comments everyone. xx
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ooh I love this look.
I have always found this attractive. In Spain two years ago the school girls (teen age) were doing this, thin high knee socks with their uniforms, of course they also rolled up their plaided skirts...
Oh to have long thin legs and be twenty years younger!
I have always found this attractive. In Spain two years ago the school girls (teen age) were doing this, thin high knee socks with their uniforms, of course they also rolled up their plaided skirts...
Oh to have long thin legs and be twenty years younger!
...my comments do not want to work with this one..
to be twenty years younger with a great pair of legs!
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