
coolhunted femme

Scans from the The Age (Australia) and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Thanks to facehunter for the second photo...

{The article can be read more clearly here}


Jesse Markowitz said...

Tyson, huh? You must be related to Cicely Tyson. I can TOTALLY see the resemblance! :P

RD said...

Well done LF!


T.T. said...

WAAU ! You look great ! Kisses !

elena said...

Nice trench, and you look great!

la chipie said...

you look just plain gorgeous and chic!!!!

where is the trench from?

Anonymous said...

Nice quotes Ms. Tyson!

maitresse said...

rock on, j'adore le trench!

New Yorkaise said...

Again, looking fabulous and chic. Bravo, bravo.

Carissa Duhamel said...

Fantastic trench!

Anonymous said...

What an honour! Thank you so much, beautiful femme. I live in Toowoomba, Qld - I don't suppose you've heard of it?

Your blog is delightful, and I check it everyday for an update, but alas, you are almost as lazy as I with your posts. Shame on you for being so addictively entertaining and selfishly distracted!