I'm obsessed. These metallic booties (among other Pierre Hardy designs) are still haunting my dreams at night. They have been included in sleek magazine's street issue where a few of the world's finest shoe creators are asked "pertinent and impertinent" questions about how they make our feet "so damned alluring". PH says his shoes are the elite of the street. If only the pricetag was plebeian...
Love the term 'elite of the street' as much as the fab booties it is meant to describe. Although I'm afraid the street will faint instantly at the sight of these visitors from planet ubercool:-)
Oh how I fell in love with them the very first second I saw them...
Another pair in my struggling-with wearing-heels-group ;-)
Love boots...even tights...even leg...is there a model for men???
dear santa,
for christmas, you didn't bring me chanel sequins short shorts. however, things can be fixed between us if you would bring me a pair of these boots.
luxury duck
Oh my, those boots are gorgeous! I'm not even supposed to like boots lol!
Our focus is on the Pierre Hardys as la Femme rapidly legs it out of the picture. Is it the rapid stride or would our focus be on the Pierre Hardys no matter how fast she walked or even what else she wore?
Where does she go with such bravery we wonder? Is she off to Denmark? Surely she will not get through airport security with such sneakers. She will have trouble getting through fashion security until more fashionistas start putting their best creative foot forward and in more practical versions. The Pierre Hardys are volatile and to be worn at the wearers own risk.
We hurry to catch up. “La Femme, where do you go in such a hurry?” I ask.
“Now is not the time nor place to speak to you, j”, she breathlessly replies.
“Oh”, I ask crestfallen, “will you ever speak to us again, la Femme?”
these are f*tastic. if only shoes were as easy to make yourself as clothes....hmm....there is a funky star trek element to them. could buy a chunky 90's wedge boot and spray paint it...somehow not as sleek.
These boots are amazing!
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