
bloggen verboten

Anna Wintour reportedly dislikes the word "blog" so much that she has asked her team of voguettes to come up with a new descriptor for the [not]blog on Vogue's nascent website. Should we care about this? No. But I like words, and La Wintour's malcontent makes me curious... can you think of alternative, elegant nomenclature for what it is we do?


New Yorkaise said...

I agree with Wintour, 'blog' sounds rather harsh for a fashion discourse community. We don't just spew the first thing that comes to mind in a diary format. Our writing is much more analytical, personal, and observatory. Perhaps a word that expresses our synergy as a community is more appropriate. This may be almost too simple, but why can't we just 'compose'? Our 'blogs' would be 'compositions', and some smart asses would probably shorten it to comps or something... Being a fashion composer sounds slightly more appropriate than fashion blogger.

j said...

Hmmmm...metiers d'art? Maybe to pretentious. How about: essere nelle nuvole..I think more like it.

j said...

Hmmmm…metiers d’art? Elegant, but maybe too pretentious. How about: essere nelle nuvole? Yes, that describes much of it.

Unknown said...

I, too, hate the word blog. I went so long calling it my "online journal" until finally caving. I still cringe a little when I call it my blog. I guess Anna Wintour and I have more in common than it would seem.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Very interesting blog, really I like it.
Regards ;0)


Anonymous said...

the word 'blog' is auditory vommit. i don't really like saying it either, usually i say 'website', only because a blog is still a website, and it seems to have more validity that way.

Anonymous said...

style report?

But seriously, blog isn't that bad

mareGa said...

I don't think the word 'blog' is that bad. It is what it is. And we are fashion bloggers. Anybody can try to adorn or come up with a new word or phrase to describe it (which is fine) but in the end, it would be the some old word: blog.

Anonymous said...

how about "website for stuck-up rich fashion socialites who have nothing else better to do?" it has a nice ring to it.

mareGa said...

"Website for stuck-up rich fashion socialites who have nothing else better to do?"

Dear M: I buy my clothes in Gap, AE, A&F, Delia's, Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe. And I also run a fashion blog. Believe me. I'm not rich. And 3/4 of the fashion blog community isn't too.

So Adeleine, tell us your pick on the new 'blog' word!.

Anonymous said...

What's in a name? That which we call a blog by any other word would read as sweat.

Seriously though, why not call it a blogue??