...or pushing porn? I have generally liked American Apparel
ads for their provocative imagery, but CEO/photographer Dov Charney's most recent campaign looks like plain and seedy soft core porn. Is there really anything glamourous about drugged out groupies and the insinuation of Lolita sex?

via papierdoll
Eeeeew! The second image makes me think of underage Asian sex slaves. Dov Charney is such a turn-off that I've never set foot in AA, despite the appeal of their cheap, soft tees.
Honestly, I feel like wrapping a blanket around that pathetic figure and taking her to a shelter for exploited models. Does Dov Charney belong to the Society for the Advancement of Dissipation?
Gah I just hate American Apparel ads more than almost anything...this one doesn't surprise me at all. aren't ads supposed to entice you to buy things from them rather than put you off and make you hate the company? Misogyny + sweatshop free - hey that rhymes - maybe we should pitch it to Dov.
it was only a matter of time... this neither surprises or shocks me
He's a massive creep. He has so many sexual harrassment suits filed against him. My guess is he only treats his employees well (good benefits, etc.) to avoid lawsuits.
WELL THAT second image leaves nothing to the imagination
I love sex!
This is what I think: Dov Chaney
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