
les vacances finlandais

I'm up north in Marimekko Land, staying with friends by a lake, and learning how Lappish bonnets are made (something I've always wanted to do, but also a practical necessity because it is freezing here!). There are saunas galore, trees as far as the eye can see, and Finnish pancakes every morning for breakfast (to get an idea of my surroundings, take a peek at the Ivana Helsinki lookbooks).

Hope you're enjoying the last days of summer and prepping for a gorgeous fall... I should be back and blogging at the end of August.


charlotte said...

it all sounds completely blissful - enjoy the rest of your time there.

Julia said...

How incredible. Have a wonderful time.

About Me said...

Miss you, too!

Sounds like we're both having lovely, secluded vacations. Only instead of freezing temps, it's muggy and flooding here.

We'll have to get back to real correspondence in the fall.


riz said...

can't wait till you get back to hear about scandinavian aesthetics! that's one part of the world i'd love to spend more time in...

Arsheen said...

sounds amazing have a great time!

j said...

For a few moments, my own dim memory dream of the North Country fused with the real events you describe and the confusion of the two realities, one in single the other in double quotes was delightful.

Susana Rodrigues said...

come back soon :) but until then, H A V E F U N !!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, ive given you a "Rockin' girl blogger" badge, you can find out more on my blog :)

marie@ said...


Today is the blogday ! So I chose your blog in my list !




TheClocktowerForest said...

Your blog is really cool so I have given you a Rockin' Girl Blogger badge.

laceybediz said...

Oh--sounds delightful!! It has been one of my new goals to make it to Finland one winter and experience a true sauna-- it sounds nice up north there as well!!


simon said...

got a friend who has just departed for Finland! :o)

Anonymous said...

very lovely pictures :D

Claire said...

sweetpea are you still with us? x

Clara Zemlinsky said...

nice days, you are personification "la joi de vivre"!