
oh, olga

I just arrived in 43° Perth, West Australia after crossing the scorching Nullarbor Desert and swooned when I caught sight of this shot from Lanvin's spring campaign. I love how Olga's dress dances like a fabric flame across the dark foliage behind her. Strangely, this image reminds me of the vivid purple/gold sunsets I saw in the desert these last few evenings. Please go to flickr for a few photos taken while on the longest stretch of straight train track in the world.

scan via tfs


About Me said...

lovely orange.

you're almost off to india!!

RD said...

An arresting image. I also love and am alarmed by where you saw it - not in New York or London or Paris but in Perth. I'm in Bombay at the moment, and the contrast of image and context here is sometimes remarkable and sometimes sublime. Cheers, BB

Kristin said...

Wow. That is a wonderful shot. Truly inspiring. Would you be interested in exchanging links?

Unknown said...

she looks like she has just stepped out of her GRAVE. horrribbllee, disgusting looking model. full of bones, no skin. yucckkk

by the way i love your blog.

Anonymous said...

Je viens d'apprendre que la femme est un mot bien connu en anglais. Celle qui me préoccupe beaucoup est actuellement mariée au Maire de Lattes Cyril Meunier et je ne sais si elle me veut toujours autant de bien, à moi et mes enfants. Fut un temps où elle a été très loin pour eux, jusqu'à les prendre totalement en charge et devenir leur père pour ainsi dire...

Siru said...

the ad has made everybody talk about it.

juliet xxx

Le blog qui parle de la femme dans les médias ... said...

Ton blog est vraiment trop top...
Avec quatre amis, on a créé le notre, http://www.femmedinfluences.com
n'hésite pas à venir le voir et nous dire ce que tu en penses....
Merci et à bientôt !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Not too bad...I'm not a huge fan (no pun intended ;)) of models that look like they haven't eaten in 6 weeks. No offence. I think the picture is great, but the model puts me off a little. Love the use of colour.

QZie Creative
Exquisite handmade jewellery made to order

j said...

It’s all about fantasy and fantasizing which is an element that could be very important today…just to get what is happening today you probably have to be more free in spirit.
-Miuccia Prada

Anonymous said...

it is a lovely image...
and that you saw it in perth!

i'm one of your perth readers
it was indeed hot that day, although i spent the same day in minus ten in new york city :)
hope you enjoyed your time there!

la femme said...

anon: I did, thanks :)

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...


Lanvin for men (just Lanvin) is one of my favourites.
It's seldomly (sp?) advertised here.

Kind regards,
