
if these shoes could talk...

Mon dieu! Eet eez ze Yoyo Zappa from Christian Louboutin!!!
Regular fashion blog readers are probably well acquainted with it- several sites have featured this fierce pump since its debut a few months ago. It's usually the boots that make my heart go aquiver (I should probably check into bootaholics anonymous actually...), but these striking patent stilettoes make my jaw drop every time I see them. For those of you with sz 6.5 feet (and $700 to spare), there is a pair on ebay... for the rest of us, we can pray to the fashion gods.


Anonymous said...

Those are too perfect! I've been searching ebay for shoes like that with no luck. Too bad both the size and the prize wont fit me...

Rebecca Lander said...

oh wow *sighs*-I've always loved louboutins because they are not only gorgeous but HIGH-my shoes have to be either totally totally totally flat (not even a bump) or six inches high. tres tres bien!

Anonymous said...

looks like a great catch ... for someone with 6.5 size shoe.

Loulou said...

if the averagge women is a size 8.5 to 9... why do the best shoes come in such small sizes.. are midgets now in fashion?

cleopatrajones said...

check out www.footcandyshoes.com they have them!

la femme said...

Thanks earl of cheese- I've been on footcandy before, and they even have them in my size, but sadly the Zappas are still out of budget...