I love the graphic quality of Rain-Li's neon portrait (top), and his striking portrayal of Li Xin (above) reminds me of Snow White and her poisoned apple.
Both of these Asian femmes are also involved in the upcoming ensemble piece Paris, je t'aime, which I am dying to see. Rain-Li is the cinematographer and Li Xin is one of the actresses.
via fashionologie
after hours of googling, I found it was shown at Cannes,
but is presently only shown in one little obscure theater in Paris , no dates for major release !
i've also heard about this but am not quite sure where to get a hold of it. maybe it'll be released in north america later on in the year.
btw, it's neat how you know about asian actresses, as i don't think many people acknowledge them, especially in the u.s. i'm surprised rain li knows enough cinematography to be one of the contributers. i thought all she did was sing.
anyway, welcome back!
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