
impressions at bcbg

Ack, that is a whole lot of tablecloths...





and unfortunately, not a whole lot else. The pilgrim flats weren't working for me either. But if you're into the crocheted kaftan look, this is a great opportunity for DIY.


Anonymous said...

Ughh. Good to know that I'm not the only one left unimpressed with the bcbg collection. Even the models can't make these lackluster frocks look good.

Anonymous said...

I see your point. But perhaps there is an economy here. Just as the table cloth functions as a dress, so too at a party with your plate in your lap the dress functions as a table cloth.

la femme said...

I confess I had not considered that before j!

Anonymous said...

agreed, lack of creativity in these pieces.

thetiniestspark said...

i agree with your overall assessment, however that lime-green scalloped one with the 70s straight sleeves is just lovely!!!!!! i want it. the others can be left to the dining room, however.