
truth and lies

A survey of 100 models working NYFW...

I love surveys like this, but please, none of these 14 year old stick insects are having "coffee and doughnuts", "strudel", or "oreo cereal" for breakfast. "Paracetamol tablets", however, I do believe.

Favourite books: “anything by Dostoevsky”... Russians anyone?


Delphine said...

True about Dostoevsky. I also thought Picture of Dorian Gray was a pretty interesting choice.

Anonymous said...

HA!- at the Paracetamol tablets. I believe that one too.

New Yorkaise said...

Oooh, and don't forget to stop by the Theory Company Store at 502 5th Avenue. Right next to Bryant Park, it's a little door past a souvenier shop. Go up the stairs to the second floor and behold... there lies 30% off all Theory!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe the house, the 20 thou. or the thousands in Europe, so can anyone tell me why anyone would want to be a runway model? Is it all just ego?

Eli said...

sore eyelashes? how blasé!

RD said...

For the record, I covet anyone of the other gender who is that young, attractive, and has read anything more sophisticated than a comic strip. Also for the record, I despise anyone my own gender who is that young, beautiful, and has read anything more sophisticated than a comic strip.*

Cheers and harrumph,


* I was originally going to say more sophisticated than a cereal box, but I realized that, for the creatures in question, reading a cereal box is pretty much the same as a Russian novel.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, just like me! When I want to loose wait, I just eat tons of doughnuts washed down with lattes! No, really...

Anonymous said...

Dear Adelaide,

My compliments on your work on NYFW. Your postcard arrived safely today! Best wishes from Eastern Europe,
Thank you,

thetiniestspark said...

"after modeling, you plan to: act, paint, write, be in a band..."

what about "eat"?