I passed by my favourite ritzy shoe store today and stood transfixed, admiring the fantasy footwear displayed in the window. Among the many perfect pumps, these Louboutins commanded my attention. I was already late for an appointment, but it didn't matter. One can never ignore crimson heels...
davids - i love you too!
karma (insomniac_)
When you visit tomorrow, maybe you can make them happy. To be worn with crimson lipstick of course :-)
Ah, there's no place like home....
une femme,une vraise:))
aaah. louboutins.... if onlly i was filthy rich...
OMG just look at them! Those are pure gorgeousness!
hahaha i totally read the louboutins in a cheesy french accent
karma: you know it babe!
olivier: bien sur...
LIB: I repeat that while tapping my heels together often...guess I need the ruby slippers!
anon: :)
ffp: Indeed! But I don't need to be filthy rich... just independently wealthy perhaps?
la nortenita: I know!
mary: haha, that's what they sounded like too :)
CLs speak to you too?!!
Le sigh...
Well, la Femme, if the shoe fits, faire it.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the red soles of your Louboutins be the last thing people see as you walk out of the room?
When should we do cocktails?
Woooow. They certainly are a tasty dish. What store are you speaking of?
Shoes give me that same speech all the time. You've gotta make them work for it. I have them promise to clean my room and then I give in.
is this the shoe store at the corner of bay and bloor? i bought my black louboutin pumps there last year. then a week later in new york, the same ones were cheaper! (conversion from dollars to pesos).
Yes, the shoes store is Davids, at Bay & Bloor.
I had to start a fund for them. My advice is don't try them on. you'll cry if you cant take them home.
I had to start a fund for them. My advice is don't try them on. Once you put them you dont want to give them back.
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