Anyone acquainted with my wardrobe knows that I wear a lot of black... I am a francophile after all. Every few weeks though, particularly in the wintertime, I get bored of the penetrant darkness and try to combat it by reaching for as much bright colour as I can. That is when editorials like this one from American Vogue make me want to break into song (or my version of song, which would involve joyfully strutting along a boreal street in patent blue pumps or a vivid free form dress). Even if the end result is slightly more neon than chic (like a raver Audrey Hepburn), what a refreshing change from the dreary sea of grey and black that most of us hibernate in.
via the coherent
ahhh rave!
2007 is undoubtedly going to be the year of the rave.
and we all have Klaxons, Carrie Mundane and Chrisopher Kane to thank!
S xx
hey, by the way, do you want to swap links on our blogs?
S xx
I could never wear all black..a touch of colour is always neccessary in my opinion.
bright colors rock.
but so does wearing lots of black.
which i admit im guilty of.
for me its all about the yellow coat(?) and silver bag ensamble! it looks just gorgeous!
Thank God for Vogue. Shoes in Photo 2 are absolutely gorge.
I don't know, I'm a creature of habit; I <3 my black and greys... I always wonder if my fear of wearing color makes me somewhat psychologically odd.
I love to sneak in primaries and neon colours amid all the neutrals just to throw people off!
We watch la Femme as she struts along a boreal street dressed in patent blue pumps and a vivid yellow free form dress passing through oak, and ash, and sweetgum. We are curious. La Femme, who’s usual fashionable soignée is black, even on this dark December day is frocked in frippery. She is as Boudicca striding through her sacred grove garlanded in a floral array of yellow Senecio, blue Lupin and white Erigeron. Boudicca’s floral display was occasioned by an inner rave after the expulsion of those forbears of the Italians from her Brythonic Celtic land; those early Italians who were unequal to her prowess.
“But la Femme”, I ask with tender curiosity, “What inner warmth sparks your festive style?”
I am answered simply and naturally by flashing eyes and a mysterious, charming smile.
Oh, love the color. Just never brave enough to pull off the *really* bright versions.
Lucky Magazine just had a fantastic fashion spread about how to wear brights. They combined some great colors with other more subdued ones to create very appealing looks. Check it out if you can.
hehe... I was just sking in Vail and could not stop watching this old French man in his neon ski suit... it was so unbelievably bright... a neon yellow shirt and then the suit was neon pink, green, and yellow and he just owned his look... pimpin all the ladies on the slopes. It was great.
sounds just like me. Though I must admit that bright yellow colour is rather fetching, whether I could carry it off, well that's another story....
heee I just wanted to say i love love love your blog!!
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