
la vie valerie

Long before I first watched Belle de Jour, or was aware of any famous actresses, I thought she was the epitome of femininity and glamour.
Young, blonde, and addicted to work, she was unlike most "grandmothers" I knew. At home, I loved to run my fingers over the bottles of perfume on her dresser, and admire the numerous pairs of shoes that lined her closet floor. At work, I watched in fascination while she cut negatives on an enormous light table, red nails flashing as she made quick slices with a graphics blade. Every once in a while she would kick off her high heels, lean back to light a cigarette, and exhale a little plume of smoke. That was my signal to bring some coffee, and she would allow me to "help" with whatever needed cutting.

My grandmother, Valerie Meimi Arkell, passed away last night after a courageous battle with cancer. Even into her 60s, the Hel-Looks team would have appreciated the inherent style of this Finnish femme.

avec mutti, 1961

Kyssa, isoäiti. You will be missed.


Closet Cupcake said...

Your grandmother was absolutely gorgeous. My condolences.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had such a stylish grandmother!
Toutes mes condoléances.

la femme said...

merci :)

la chipie said...

A gorgeous femme in her own right. All my condoleances, I know especially well what you're going through.

Anonymous said...


I'm very sorry to hear your grandmother is no longer with us. But she will no doubt bring style and plenty of joie de vivre to Heaven. I hope one day she will have High Tea with Another Ordinary Woman: http://dontmentiontheskiing.com/archive/2006/09/19/another-ordinary-woman/

(the post is rather long, but I found it one of the most touching things ever written on fashion)


The Great Canadian Beavers said...

That woman radiates complete beauty, grace and wonder. Even through the funnel of pictres decades old, it just grips you. I am sure that that woman will never be forgotten.

Best wishes to you.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a while now and enjoy it very much. Your Grandmother was indeed, a beautiful woman, and your post about her was poignant and moving. My condolences.

Isabel said...

She's beautiful Adeline. My best wishes are with you.

j said...

Oh Adeleine...life is so fleeting.

la femme said...

Thank you all. Your words are a boost to the soul.

xx A

Unknown said...

All my condolences to you.
She's absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

my condolences to you. but i guess her spirit lives with you.
was she a film editor or a neg-cutter...or??

elena said...

My condolences to you.



my condolences. i am sure that your beloved grandmother will live on inside your heart forever.

ilovesecondhandsmoke said...

My deepest condolences, Adeleine.

la femme said...

merci tout le monde x

Anonymous said...

Your grandmere was absolutely stunning.... what an image to have imprinted in your mind..... my condolences, darling.

mareGa said...

Adeleine, indeed a beautiful and stylish femme was your grand-mère. I'm sure that thinking about those memories will bring some solace to your soul and your mom's.

My condolences.

Anonymous said...

We can see where you get it from now Adeleine.

Please accept my deepest sympathy for you and your family.

Claire said...

wow, what a beautiful, stylish woman. her influence will live on in you. take care xxx

missx said...

At least now we know where you get it from... she was stunning. My condolences.

Anonymous said...

Adeleine, I'm so sorry about your grandmother. What a gorgeous woman- it seems that you have equally gorgeous memories.

Blue Floppy Hat said...

I saw that image when you first put it up, and she sounds like an amazing lady. I'm really sorry she's gone.

Anonymous said...

toutes mes condoleances.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

my condolences, it is tough to lose a grandparent. take care.

Alda said...

My condolences.

How strange that I should find your blog when I have just experienced pretty much the same thing.

RD said...

I'm sorry to hear this. Grandparents, if we are lucky enough to get to meet them, have such a powerful impact on us. Our parents' parents! I find myself remembering all my grandparents, sometimes when a particular mannerism or habit of theirs come to mind, sometimes when you think of the life they lived, sometimes just because you do.

You were lucky to have gotten a chance to see her and to know her. And though I'm just a blogger sitting 600 miles away, I can see that you have gained something of her wonderful spirit in your wonderful self.

With regards,


paperlily said...

I'm sorry for your loss. No doubt, she was an amazing woman. And so beautiful.

et said...

Logtime reader, first time commentor.

What a wonderful memory you have of your grandmother.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Miss LH,
I just read your blog of your grandmother. You have brought tears to a butches eyes. Thinking of you!
Love, the bop

Charles said...

Bisous de Brruxelles


Anonymous said...

Please accept my sincerest sympathies. I hope your loss is tempered by the inspiration your grandmother has brought and will continue to bring.

Annieytown said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You inherited her stunning looks and incredible style.

Q said...

Je suis vraiment desolee, votre grand-mere a l'air exquise. Je vous souhaite des temps plus heureux et je continuerai a lire votre blog.

Wanderlusting said...

Finns are tough cookies and beauties to boot (its the Sisu!)! Your tribute to your isänäiti is thoughtful and wonderful. Ihana!

la femme said...

Thank you to all of the lovely commenters. Your words are touching- I am honoured to have such readers!

Back soon. Kyssa x

Bobble Bee said...

i agree with cupcake queen; your grandma was a gorgeus woman and she will always be. My condolences and LOVE.

CC said...

condolences and prayers. your abuela was an amazing person.

marie said...

With a beautiful grandmother like her, it's no wonder you are so inspired by all that is beauty and femininity. I had Bugs Bunny inspire me as a child, you'd gawk at how I turned out as a 40 year old woman! Keep making this world a more eye-appealing place for all! While I make them laugh with my goofiness!

C'est maintenant ton tour d'inspirer les jeunes femmes à atteindre leur plein potentiel comme ta grand-mère a su faire.

travel notes said...

In first image your grandmother bears an uncanny resemblance to Sasha Pivovorova.

My thoughts are with you x

Carissa Duhamel said...

She seems to be the most glamorous of femmes, my condolences to you and your family aussi.

Anonymous said...

She was stunning. Best wishes to you and your family from sigrid/oslo/norway.

Julia said...

I'm so sorry to hear it. A beautiful lady, an inspiration to all of us.


SuzieMoi said...

So sorry...

thecoherent said...

so sorry to hear this..

Anonymous said...

my condolences to you. and thank you for sharing your story. it brought tears to my eyes, becuase my first style inspiration was my grandmother too. i also loved playing with her perfume bottles and nail polish. she is already missed. : )