
violet eyes, reimagined

10 designers (including my main inamoratas Franciso Costa, Alber Elbaz, and Stefano Pilati) were asked to conceptualize the costumes for Elizabeth Taylor's most iconic roles as if they were being made in 2007. The results are featured in this month's Interview Magazine. I wish we did this for more femme fatales... can you imagine contemporary visions of young Charlotte Rampling, Catherine Deneuve, Lauren Bacall...? The thought of it makes me swoon. If any of you fashion illustrators (I know there are a few reading!) want to send in some drawings, I will be happy to post...

Here are my top three: Francisco Costa's depiction of Ms. Taylor in Butterfield 8 (above), followed by Alber Elbaz for The Last Time I Saw Paris, and Donatella Versace for Cleopatra.
et vous?

via: secondhand smoke


Anonymous said...

fantastic! thanks for posting, I had no idea.

Unknown said...

Perhaps I can convince you to wear something like that Cleopatra outfit??

Rachel Michaela aka Stylebites said...

Are you here at Fashion Week? I am. Drop me a line--would love to finally meet!


Carissa Duhamel said...

I'm surprised, I adore Donatella's.

ilovesecondhandsmoke said...

You and I think alike, Adeleine. You and I think alike!

Thanks for linking!

j said...

It’s true. At every moment fashion is an infinity of branching possibilities. Fashion’s trajectory is the unknown, the not yet experienced, the unexpected. But what of icons? Are they a product of there times? Could an icon of the past still be an icon for today?

“La Femme, will you still have that “je ne sais quoi” tomorrow?”
“j, once incuriosire, always incuriosire.”

thecoherent said...

i like the versace one. but all are lovely!

Anonymous said...

Hihi! Nice, I like the idea!:) Sophie's Fashion going English! / Sophie♥