I'm not quite so obsessed with heels that I require my furniture to wear them, but in case you are, check out the newly launched Virtual Shoe Museum. Even non foot fetishists may enjoy browsing through the immaculately categorized website.
I think the Versailles collection by Yazbukey is my favourite to look at, but that may be because Marie Antoinette comes out on DVD today, and I've got Paris, french macaroons and corsets on the brain (more than usual that is)...
via: minirobot
via: minirobot
Macaroons, huh?? (note to self...)
I'm actually kind of crazy about the furniture heels, and I don't know why.
Also equally in love with the Versailles collection, especially the "Bird" one.
This is bad...I'm going to be looking at this site all niht rather than doing my paper.
You've made me nostalgic!
Oh god that's gorgeous! Thanks for showing us that.
My dad was a carpenter before college, I believe a new project for him is in line..
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