2. I fell in love with Tchéky Karyo after seeing Nikita in the mid '90s. He's still my number one crush.
3. I used to dance a lot, and sometimes wear pointe shoes alone at home.
4. Green pistachio macaroons from Paris send me straight to the moon.
5. Aside from a brief but intense heart shaped glasses phase as a kid, I have never worn sunglasses for fear of looking pretentious. Then last week Lauren introduced me to Anouk, and I'm very tempted...
6. I'm tall. Over 6' with boots and my younger sister is taller still. Height used to annoy me but it has proved endlessly useful at fashion related events, though not for avoiding short men.
7. I'm addicted to Burfitt.
>> If you're in the mood for mustering up 7 random facts, consider yourself tagged...
Tagging someone on a meme has become the blog equivalent of phoning on a Sunday morning to ask them to participate in a market research survey hasn't it? Thank you my deary for not slamming the phone down..loved seeing Sandra Backlund in that vid too xx
I like pistachio macaroons very much as well, also pistachio gelato. But I quiver in sight of pistachio financiers. Cheers, BB
"Go ask Alice.
When she's ten feet tall.
- Jefferson Airplane
I thought I was bad when I counted the number of "homes" I've lived in for the past 20 years (i.e. my entire life), and got 12. But then I'm not sure if homes away from home are supposed to be included in the count!
Ahh, I am now tempted to come up with a list of my 7 random facts...
Ooh, I love pistachio macarons. The first ones I ever had were from Ladurée, and I'm afraid I've been spoiled for life.
I love it!
thanks for the link adeleine, love tolink you back! cute blog too and nice profile pic!
I used to feel the same way about sunglasses.
However they are a necessity in Australia, come and visit and you will no longer feel pretentious.
ahh, you beat me by one home but I have time until my 20 springs!and you love Tchejy Karyo too (Dancing and macarons as well but I knew that). I'm left to look for Burfitt, but the website's photos seem promising. I think maybe I'll follow that by writing my own random mustering of facts to see where my mind takes me.
Most short men like taller women. I wish I was 2inches taller.
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