On a side note, does anyone else (besides Henry Holland) stay up at night thinking of strange slogans to put on a t-shirt? I do. These shirts didn't make much of an impression on me until I saw a few in May's Dazed & Confused. Now, in the early hours of morning, I find myself engrossed in a cheeky, much more entertaining version of counting sheep...

marc girl: mnlstyl
haha, I do that too! And still to this day I can't think of a good enough one relating to Alber Elbaz...
Although I'm tiring a little of these tops, which Is rather annoying because I did love them. But Topshop et al seem to be churning out so many rip offs that are popping up everywhere, I'm feeling a litle bit of slogan overexposure coming on...
S xx
I see myself in a black t-shirt with thin, silver sans serif lettering. One word, on the front: Boring. Either people will think I am boring and avoid me (these are the kinds I want to avoid), or they will impute layers of irony and find me interesting (these are the types I want to talk to).
oh dear, that method will keep you up into the wee hours of the morning! it's the insommiacs sheep counting!
personally, i've always wanted really absurd messages on my t-shirts, like:
'my other car is an ice cream truck'
but that doesn't make any sense.
The best slogan shirt I've seen recently was worn by a rather rotund looking man at Heathrow airport whose black t-shirt had "I Survived Anorexia" stamped out in white lettering.
I really love Henry Holland 's tees.
It's really cool because thanks to your blog, I improve my (poor) english.
they looked cool when only few had them, but now everyone is walking around with those tees. i'm afraid it's gonna be the second "arafat" effect on trends.
but I thought slogans on tee shirts were definitly a no go ???? I m lost now :)
How about 'Out on the razz with Alber Elbaz'?
PS, I'm trademarking that ;-)
Mrs F x
miou: ...and I attempt to improve my french :)
coherent: You're right (especially in Europe) they are overdone, but I've only seen one person in Canada wearing one.
negrito: A no go to wear perhaps but still fun to think up catty phrases for...
mrs. fashion: Excellent.
I get to see interesting slogan t-shirts fairly often (thanks to being around nerds all the time...and being one myself), but these ones are still pretty amazing. I rather like how the picture at the bottom gives off a Warholesque impression.
yeah beautiful!
I'm a spaz for Alber Elbaz?
I love the sexual connotations, very appropriate and very much making me want to buy every single one. Do you know how one might go about purchasing the "Do Me in the Park, Marc"?
those tops are so popular i'm starting to think I should get one myself!
I really adore the house of holland t-shirts! :)
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