Dear Zac,
E over at Letters to MJ has inspired me to write a letter in the hopes that the request I am about to make may come to fruitious reward -if only in my fashion fantasies- or at the very least, serve to chronicle one of my many style obsessions. So, straight to the point... I hope it doesn't seem conniving or overly shallow, but I loved your resort collection so much that I thought I would write and ask if you had any extra pieces lying around in your studio? If this happened to be the case, I would be very happy to take them off your hands and wear them to death (everything donned by Masha S. in your show was particularly perfect- not that I'm picky or anything).
From a business perspective, perhaps you could look at this as free advertising? From a fashion god perspective, you could look at this as aiding a deeply devoted follower who cannot (yet?) afford your creations. After all, you give samples to celebrities n'est pas? Via a recent issue of People magazine, I noticed Paris Hilton gyrating most obscenely on a NY bar counter while wearing a beautiful ZP summer dress that I doubt she paid for. This incident made me want to leap into the glossy pages and rescue the garment from its unfortunate fate. Believe me, I would be much more appreciative and loving of one of your dresses than many individuals on your freebie list. If truth be told, there there is a little place in my suitcase reserved for a ZP garment, just in case one magically appears between here and Paris. I always have faith in those kind of fashion miracles. After all, how did penniless Carrie Bradshaw get a hold of all that couture, just when she needed to look fabulous?
I should leave it at that. Congratulations again on a superb resort collection. The perfectly cut dresses were made even more divine by those wide buckle belts and/or masterful shirring. I wait with baited breath for your next show.
much love, A
Here's hoping your fashion miracle will come through.
my fingers are crossed for you, doesn't hurt to ask !
lovely beyond words. i have urges to save whatever beautiful clothing paris hilton's wearing too.
Dear Zac,
If you read this you've progressed to the comments and must be clearly thinking about this request. I must aid this by pointing out that if I were a woman, I'd pay more attention to what style bloggers say/wear than what celebs do. Oh yes.
P.S) A, if this works, can you try to swing some Dior Homme ;)
The clothes are cute, the model is Ribsy. Honestly, I think that's her name!
:D I hope the fish bites the bait!
And as soon as you've finished with them, you could always send them to me... :P
LOL :) Did you really send this to him?
Jared: No :)
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